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04/21/22 8:48 PM

#47829 RE: tisdal #47828

That's what insider enrichment schemes do. Duh....Why would they care about shareholders ?

"...Simply don't understand why they believe they deserve-it

They are living purely off the investor without any return to the investor. Maybe they see investors as being led here by -od ad therefore the get what they don't deserve through us. There is a large amount of rationalizing going on inside the Texas offices convincing themselves that they, by the grace of -od, are right to receive such blessing. No matter how much damage it's doing to those who are making it possible.

They absolutely show no respect or regard for us. I personally could not do that. I would never be so desperate as to live off of the goodness of others. I mean, there are times when that is required, but that is in circumstances where an individual cannot take care of themselves for whatever reason.



04/22/22 3:59 AM

#47830 RE: tisdal #47828

There is a possibility that a person who lives and spends his entire life on contributions from others may acquire a certain outlook towards their benefactor(s) that defy logic. Might have to ask a phycologist but I think I've noticed this tendency in others organizations and in other people where all the income they get is due to someone else.

Doesn't matter if it's a parent to his child, or a government to a disadvantaged citizen, or donations to your favorite charity.

As an example, if you give money to a homeless person, do you expect to be thanked. Probably, yes you do. But if you give money to that same homeless person for 20 years in a row, I guarantee you this, at the end of the twenty years, you won't be thanked. He figures you owe him. It's human nature.

Why would John Brown and his organization be any different?


04/25/22 11:39 PM

#47921 RE: tisdal #47828

- i dont see any deception- see kyoils post re that
frustration whose thesis depends on success but disappears when sucess comes is not usual and requires no faith
almost all exploration in terrestrial israel could be called a wildcat situation. there is no guarantee on any stock, especially a wildcat oil exploration.
many invest in penny stocks-which zn technically is now[though denotes zn with a penny stock exception] bc of the risk reward equation.

in blue chips we cannot compete w big investors, almost all of whom operate through inside information -hired hackers /investigators or simply bribery like the chinese do etc - such even buy land where the transatlantic cables come ashore, place their supercomputers there and trade via HFT before anybody else in the amercias even receive the info

but i will also note the whole world operates as if they deserve what they get-
that includes the most immoral sports heros who earn over 20 million per year for doing the only thing many of them are good at, whereas many with several doctors degrees who have merit but donate their services even as pioneers to serve mankind may receive peanuts
lawyers get paid even if they never achieve anything on behalf of their clients - the same for doctors etc
and what about kids who graduate high school who cant write anything except their name
-on and on it goes
Brown et al has also received a lot of abuse and its possible he wont reap in this lifetime - but he hasnt given up- he has given his life in the quest-if they have a commercial well many may hail him as a hero- if they go bust he may be hailed as the son of hitler - the result doesnt reflect the effort -the applause or opprobrium is entirely dependant on what he does for others finances-what does that say about those who depend merely on what he does for OUR finances - at the very least that we are in this solely for the monetary reward- the worst outcome is for those who in frustration switch eternal allegiance, as i've seen on many stock boards.
in law school when they asked ppl what their reasons for presumably becoming a lawyer were some said 'i want to earn as much as a plumber or electrician'

in the last few decades it seems all the world has embraced a philosophy of unbelievable unbridled greed which never fails to surprise me