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04/19/22 6:27 PM

#379987 RE: Yolo11 #379986

Guest: ''Why is it so dark in here?''

Lease-A: ''I thought candlelight would be more relaxing for us.''

Guest: ''Can I have a glass of water?''

Foley-Coyote: ''Uh, our reverse osmosis filter is on the fritz. Instead of tap water, I will get you a Costco bottled water.''

Guest: ''OK, can I use the bathroom whilst you fetch the water bottle?''

Lease-A: ''Uh ... sure ... but don't flush we are participating in water conservation.''

Guest: ''Mind if I borrow one of the candles so I can see how to get to the bathroom?''

Foley-Coyote: ''Just use that flashlight on the table. We do it all the time.''

Guest (returning from bathroom): ''What is the deal with all those garbage bags in the kitchen?''

Lease-A: ''Oh, that is just the last month's garbage. David is going to take those to the dumpster behind the 7-11 once he forges a vehicle registration sticker for the Miata. He tried putting those in the neighbors' garbage bins but they found out and got all huffy about it.''
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09/06/22 12:44 PM

#380095 RE: Yolo11 #379986

Any update on the Foley-Coyote Crime Fambly and the 311 Sanna Rozie hovel r social circle?

It seems like Coyote and his clan have been couchsurfing at two condos owned by his relatives long enuff to pop up on the internet records recently.

Is his next move of the CoyoteFambly into Airball Highballwatertower's ghetto pad in Fresnoid?

Is he ready to flee to sunny Messico and provide IT support for cantinas with WiFi?

Does Lease-A still live with Coyote? Or is she still at 311 and Coyote is the only couchsurfer at his relatives' condo cells?