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04/18/22 10:42 AM

#185710 RE: Kallierayne #185709

First Rory needs to pull his head out


04/18/22 10:45 AM

#185711 RE: Kallierayne #185709

Hopefully a rabbit pulls Rory out of the company instead. Best thing he could do for the share price is leave. Can anyone possibly trust ANYTHING he says anymore? The only longs not demolished by him, those that bought and held since bBooth/nFüsz are those taking bonuses and pay for colossal failure. No company would ever put up with his performance. If it weren't for him being the largest shareholder, he would have been booted years ago. He has damaged so many shareholders that have trusted him, then he's kicked them down the road ever since and slapped them in the face by taking millions in pay and compensation. It's hard not to wish him ill.