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04/15/22 11:47 AM

#288881 RE: imklo #288880

"don't you think what was SAID was more important?"

No, not really. It may be unfortunate or sad or whatever, but we live in a time when the phrase the medium is the message, coined by Marshall Mcluhan, has taken on a even deeper meaning than he initially envisioned.

How the communcation appears, the quality, the choice of venue, the use of technology... these all matter as much or more than the actual message.


04/15/22 11:52 AM

#288882 RE: imklo #288880

I missed the first 15 minutes due to work, and will take a look at the video once it's published ( but during the last 10 minutes, I saw something that was less than professional, and heard that we don't have funding or capital for X Y and Z.... not a very inspiring conclusion or responses to the questions from the panelist.