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04/12/22 2:34 PM

#107341 RE: Bridget21 #107336

As the saying goes, if someone states that on the Internet, is HAS to be true!

Can you supply one example, ever, of a someone being prosecuted and convicted for lying that they weren't compensated for an article? Post it here! Or has no one ever lied about such a thing? ;-)

"Oh that? That wasn't "compensation" for the article, that was an investment in my company"

The other thing I asked for and still haven't seen is where has that site done a bearish RGBP article, anywhere during the 90% RPGP decline. Surely a 90% down move would have been seen at SOME point in that move by even a poor analyst! Care to share the bearish article from the site? I'll settle for "RGBP looks fully priced here", got an article from them like that?

the guy was not paid and did not hold any position of RGBP. It was written in the disclosure.