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Good Stick

04/07/22 5:08 PM

#841 RE: PennyWorld #840

It is interesting and ironic that this all started with Relief needing JJ's help to break into the US market.

JJ, driven by greed, made a mess of it and now his only hope is to cooperate with Relief in order to save his bacon. (Pardon the Pun)

Joe Kaplan

04/08/22 8:12 AM

#842 RE: PennyWorld #840

PW, thanks for the colorful and interesting analogy.

JJ is like a rat caught in a corner with no teeth. No telling what he will do.

At this point, I do not see how he has provided any benefit to RLF, and it seems like to me, it been all give by RLF, and all take by Nrx.