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04/05/22 10:54 PM

#38777 RE: JAB15 #38776

Yes, but only because you spelled it ferrie. It's a very sensitive post. Thank you.

I mean, look at the update from 2014, and they say that they are close to signing agreements or something blah blah blah, so it's easy to feel like they keep kicking this can down the road. Here's what's hard: we could just be sitting in another year of purgatory like the past 3 years, hoping that this is the year they need to meet their deadline (like they always tease at the beginning of the year). BUT this year is not your average ho hum year of hoping that the phrase, "we're hopeful that we'll make final investment decision by the end of 2020, 2021, 2022.....(or you fill in the words or dates). Nope. This year, the market conditions are almost too perfect!!!

It's hilarious to me that we're all acting like that kid, that every classroom has, who always knows the answer, stretching out his or her (or preferred pronoun) arm, saying, "Me, me, me, I know, I know!!!" And the teacher just keeps looking around the classroom, ignoring that annoying kid, acting as if there is no one with their hand obviously raised in the air. I was NOT that kid, but I HATED it when the teacher refused to call on that kid, who obviously knew the answer, just to make a point and make the rest of us suffer for not knowing or participating. Well, we all know the f'ing answer right now. The market is now. The opportunity is now. And it's really freaking annoying that Delfin seems to be ignoring us and the obvious market signals and opportunity. That's how I feel.

However, that statement released on 4/1, and shared by Dave (thanks again!), is more detailed and specific than previous statements, which makes me think (not feel) that they are getting ready to rollout something significant and real. Based on some of that language, it finally seems like they know they can't just keep waiting for everything to line up because there's not much more to line up!! It's all lined up for them! It finally seems like they realize the time is now for them to put into action their plan that they've been lining up the past several years. It also seems like they - unlike some other companies - are prepared for this opportunity, and the result will be a R/M that is the sexiest of R/Ms ever, all wrapped up with a pretty little bow on top (I can say that). ;)


04/06/22 12:50 AM

#38779 RE: JAB15 #38776

All I can say is WOW!!! Great post and very well written. And then you read senor c response. Both of you have a real way with words and excellent rebuttal. Great points. So, after reading both posts it makes you wonder if TGLO could just be scam in a way, like never going to happen so to speak. But me personally, I have no problem going down with this ship. There are just too many signs pointing towards TGLO being the one that will blow the OTC away. Our grandkids will talk about how lucky we got and not realize all the research and patience we exercised holding on to the gem call TGLO. I'd like to stick around and see the last chapter of this extremely long and boring novel called TGLO. It reminds me of the first time I read IT by Stephen King. Took me months to finish that boring ass book when I was 20 years old. So boring until like page 900 or something. Thought I would never get to the good parts lol. Take care both of you and thanks a ton for all your great posts on this IHub board. Really enjoyed reading both of your posts