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04/03/22 8:49 PM

#356252 RE: falconer66a #356251


Blarcamesine may prove to be the most significant drug to ensure healthful living in the last (and then many) years of human lives. The drug may well lengthen human “healthspans,” life-periods of normal health.

In no small part will the lengthening of human life spans be related to the obsolescence of Big Pharma drugs that treat symptoms while creating mitochondrial dysfunction that shortens life span.

This is what the turf war is all about....
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04/03/22 9:38 PM

#356257 RE: falconer66a #356251


Good luck and GOD bless,
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11/22/22 10:49 PM

#384774 RE: falconer66a #356251

Request this pinned to the top. Thanks falconer66a

"Anti-aging may be the biggest Anavex story.

It is very, very likely that Anavex will treat glaucoma...and probably dozens of other diseases of aging.

This must be considered; evidence for such must be scrutinized.

Presently, the Anavex mechanism of action (MOA), accounting for blarcamesine’s safety and therapeutic efficacies (as demonstrated in clinical trials in various stages) is confined to blarcamesine’s “activation” of the sigma-1 receptor protein, which consequently facilitates and modulates various cellular functions. With those restored by the Anavex molecule, diseased cells then operate normally. Various CNS (central nervous system) diseases are thereby successfully treated.

Note that two of the three CNS diseases being clinically tested with blarcamesine, Parkinson’s disease dementia (PDD) and Alzheimer’s, most commonly have onsets in the later years of life. Very few children or young adults suffer from either disease. Onset of both diseases is in middle or later years in life — after later-life aging has begun.

It is not inaccurate to claim that blarcamesine activation of the sigma-1 receptor protein halts the mid-life aging processes that allow PDD and Alzheimer’s to occur. Very likely, as will be discovered when thousands of people start taking blarcamesine, the drug will prove to not only stop or reverse those two CNS diseases, but in a broader spectrum of outcomes actually slow normal aging processes.

Blarcamesine very likely will prove itself to be an effective anti-aging agent, allowing more healthful years in the last decades of life. Among other processes blarcamesine’s restoration or modulation of cellular autophagy should yield anti-aging outcomes. Autophagy, meaning “self (auto)-eating (phagy),” is the cell’s normal “housekeeping” process, where the cell “eats,” or consumes waste chemicals and cellular fragments. This allows normal cellular functions to be unperturbed by cellular wastes (such as, in Alzheimer’s beta-amyloid and tau proteins), which are cleared by autophagy.

Blarcamesine may prove to be the most significant drug to ensure healthful living in the last (and then many) years of human lives. The drug may well lengthen human “healthspans,” life-periods of normal health.

If any of this occurs, it will be incidentally discovered after many thousands have been taking the drug, for a good number of years.

But, I’m betting Dr. Missling already knows if blarcamesine yields anti-aging outcomes. He’s surely got aging data on Caenorhabditis elgans roundworms minimally dosed with the drug. Likewise with lab mice used in aging studies."