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03/24/22 11:59 AM

#453927 RE: FeMike #453924

This is definitely a possibility. And I think it is true, the booth represents the hope that they'll have publication before ASCO. However, it is not a 'clear sign' of this.

"Hope" does not equal a "clear sign". I'm not sure why you are reading it this way. I think you guys are on the same page. You are appearing to disagree with him and then restate exactly what he said.


03/25/22 6:29 PM

#454390 RE: FeMike #453924

I firmly disagree that the "booth" has anything at all to do with

1) the investor base is diligent and would take NWBO not participating in ASCO as a sure sign that results are not coming soon


2) "the booth could just be to keep the short term smoke screen up and prevent a sell off."

I am also convinced we did land on the moon in 1969. And I personally believe in the NWBO moonshot that is moving to the launchpad...


03/25/22 8:12 PM

#454404 RE: FeMike #453924

Iron Mike, I think you're right on the money. I don't believe they'd spend all that they have if they didn't feel reasonably confident that either the Journal will be out before the conference, or that it will be presented there. The Journal would be willing to hold publication until after the presentation once they knew the presentation was happening, but otherwise it should be published prior to ASCO.

Someone figured that with the price of what they'll be putting into the booth, they'll be investing a half million or more in this. If they're not making a formal presentation because the Journal's out, I believe they'll pay another $90K to present in the Experts Theater, and it wouldn't surprise me if several trial patients were part of the presentation, and perhaps even others who received DCVax-L for other cancers under compassionate use.

We really have no idea how much the company may push the idea that any tumor has the potential of generating the vaccine. We know this to be true, but we don't really know how effective that vaccine may be, though anecdotal evidence to date I believe is saying it's true.

I suspect that in prior years when they paid for large booths they had hopes of announcing something big prior to ASCO, but it was OBE. This time it's an even larger booth, I'm not sure if it's the largest, but it's certainly big enough to be noticed, and positioned in an excellent place that essentially all attendees will see it. Lets hope that they'll have information that nearly all attendees will want to have inside of it, whether they have totes to give away, or not.
