I'm right there with ya Cash... I don't disagree... I've believed for the past 6-8 months that we've had an undisclosed BIG-Name BP partner already locked up, and that they are the reason for...
- Shakedown
- Sitting on Test Results & Audit
- Silence on manipulation
All of the things that I've listed in previous posts, do NOT happen as a coincidence and are surely not normal/organic. There is a reason/strategy behind it all...
- Big name partners disclosed, resulted in devalue
- Bit Time patents filed, resulted in devalue
- $100B+ in first 11 years for C3 only, resulted in devalue
- Announcement of bringing product to NA in major retailers, resulted in devalue
- The amount of time, money, effort, & illegal coordination thrown at this ticker to convince retail to sell "for the their own good."
- Etc..., Etc..., Etc...
The list goes on, but logic tells me that we are in the right place, because the above items/results are not normal/organic. I've never seen so many people spend so much time, effort, and money to "protect me & others" LOL...
Tick Tock...Tick Tock...Tick Tock...