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03/20/22 11:50 AM

#50033 RE: A2Z #50031

it still has to be marketed to go somewhere

patience is required, and no shame involved on the manufacturer's part .
it may not be as big as you hoped for,
until the next virus lockdown .

TSOI products will help lungers - imo

those lungers on covid ventilation can be helped, and rejuvenated w/ several TSOI products.

thanks to Val Kilmer for portrayin a lunger in Tombstone.


03/20/22 12:03 PM

#50036 RE: A2Z #50031

Tim can’t do everything, he can’t solely market Quadramune and focus as CEO on the future of the company, only so much time in the day.
Also on a side note, you do realize that CS marketing Quadramune actually is beneficial because the more sales CS gets on Quadramune as a distributor, ofcourse the more money they make but it also reflects on TSOI and that means when CS promotes Quadramune and sells it, they and also TSOI makes money, that equals win win for shareholders.
So the more massive sales CS gets for Quadramune means the more it’ll benefit us, TSOI shareholders in the long run.