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03/13/22 4:35 PM

#450955 RE: foxhound02 #450887

I have worked in the field of cancer research for more than 2 decades. I have co-authored papers that were published in NEJM (x2), Lancet (x3), Cell and several other high impact factor journal. One of our papers was published online in Lancet within 5 weeks of submission. Two took just under a year as we
had to perform additional experiments to clarify the concerns raised by reviewers.
Most of the manuscript submissions have taken between 2-6 months to be published.
There can be a wide variety of reasons for a lengthy period between submission and publication. Most journals will get an initial response out to the authors within 4-6 weeks.
However, this can lead to 1) outright rejection - the manuscript has to be rewritten/reformatted for submission to another journal; 2) major amendments suggested before acceptance - this can range from the need for a reworking of any statistical analysis, additional experiments needed, justification for statements in the discussion, and this can taken many months; and 3) minor modifications required before the peer reviewers and the editor can accept.


03/13/22 10:27 PM

#450988 RE: foxhound02 #450887

I was involved in a pivotal study in JAMA when I first got into Medicine. It was not that simple