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03/08/22 7:56 PM

#807 RE: PennyWorld #804

That was on Friday, February 11, and then Saturday went by with no word from the company.

Mr. Akins then upgraded his LinkedIn account so he could message the manufacturer’s founder and CEO Jonathan C. Javitt, MD, for help directly.

And it worked.

“Within 45 minutes he called on my cell phone and said he would move it forward,” recalled Mr. Akins early this week. “Twenty minutes later it was fully approved.”

The closest location of the drug was four hours away in South Carolina, so off he traveled on Superbowl Sunday, returning eight hours later with twice the dosage of the intravenous medication requested by the hospital.

Once hospital staff completed training themselves on the proper administration of the experimental drug, Ms. Bonville was treated during a three-day period with progressively more infusions of the medication.

“Forty-eight hours after the treatment, her lungs almost looked back to normal,” said Mr. Akins. While she’s still recovering, he said, “she’s out of the woods.”

“A lot of people don’t understand they have the ability to advocate for patients and the right to try experimental medicines,” said Mr. Akins.

“Everything just fell into place. It’s an amazing story. It’s just incredible,” he said.

Good luck and GOD bless.