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03/04/22 12:06 PM

#372265 RE: sstyles #372262

I assume U know he engineered the sale of MDCO … whose main asset was its PCSK9 it developed to lower LDL cholesterol… to NVS
NVS already had a large EU cardio presence / sales force etc in place and thus could generate cash flow from selling the PCSK9 …. far faster then MDCO could starting from scratch.

Same approach will apply with AMRN once the reimbursement decisions are made re which population will be covered

Then I expect Denner to try and force a sale of EU market to NVS .
Doubt NVS is interested in all of AMRN for the reason Rose noted … to messy



03/04/22 3:48 PM

#372290 RE: sstyles #372262

sstyles, after reading the Denner interview I must say that a month or so ago I suggested that amarin separate the EU from the US. His interview just confirms what I said the US market is too dysfunctional with all the freakin lawsuits and GV increasing mkt share. At least the EU is like a start up with FDA approval, many endorsements a bunch of cash that's how he can unlock the value. It may take a while to come to fruition but if we have Denner on the BOD at least we'll have someone take the helm and steer the ship with the wind at our backs!!!