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Dr Blunt

03/03/22 9:36 PM

#8962 RE: ThoughtsorNot #8958

Thank you for sharing your private phone call summary from $MSTO CEO Josh and clarifying the relationship with the onsite GC and the RE build. We would love if he would return our email request for a NDA as we have many questions to ask... many.

As you know without a NDA in place those who have contact with a public company corporate officers and/or its key employees/affiliates run the risk of a 15c2-11 transgression. While the intent may be innocent by all parties private information discussed can have individual short/long term trading ramifications the public is not aware of and generally one would want the information discussed immediately published by the company.

We would also prefer he take a few moments and post a twitter and/or an official PR on a regular basis even if it is an update. He could ask his resident GC to snap some weekly/bi-weekly RE progress updates. It is too bad one has to back into this CEO/GC relationship without a CEO response from our multiple inquiries having asked how he was managing the company's interests 350 miles away during critical build stages and benchmarks.

Thus, while we recognize he is running his own separate stone operation living in a beauty home the company purchased, gave away nearly all the previous AS at thousand percent discount on the retail traders back, change those restricted shares to unrestricted (which is flat out wrong), has issued an additional 3B then has an expectation the 1A is gonna pan out and so on... these questions should have been addressed by CEO Josh ages ago as they are not gonna fade off into the sunset. Accountability is everything when it comes to trust. Perhaps money comes easy for some but for us we worked pretty hard and long at it.

Again, thank you for reaching out to him but please be guarded as the SEC is watching the OTC trickery very close. Perhaps in the future you may want to get a NDA and record the conversation for safety sake. In addition, we trust you can easily see the Q reports just don't add up while his PRs run the guise of forward thinking.

Thank you once more for sharing your summary with the group. We are long and remain hopeful the first build will establish a good business model.

Happy trading...