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Replies to #35530 on Cat House
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02/19/22 2:46 PM

#35531 RE: Porgie Tirebiter #35530

Oh I remember that kinda showed what Chicago thought about disco but that feeling was the same in many states. Texas did not receive it well either. I have cousins on the West coast Cali boys and I remember when they would come visit us and bring the latest music with them. One of the long haired Hippie cousins showed up stomping and singing this song and I asked what is that he said its smoke on the water are you dead or what. I had never heard it and it took 3 months to get to Texas then it was on.It was different back then as you know you lived it. Now a new song is across the world in seconds.

Just fate you didn't make the burn party at that time in life it would have been great to be part of that.

Funny back them almost any kind of artist with one decent song could make it a long way.

But wait what came next after disco
The Hair Bands another phenomenon