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02/09/22 11:02 AM

#442524 RE: Gasd #442501

Thanks for sharing. Is it confirmed the Richard Cavalli in the OTC disclosure is the same guy as "Cavalli Picks" on twitter?

My first impression was this guy is full of sh**.

He posted this:

Cavalli Picks
Replying to
Very few truly understand how life/changing NWBO is. Soon upcoming publication in NEJM will shock!!!!

Someone questioned him as to his source and he responded as follows:

Jan 19
I missed this, can you point me to this news source?
Cavalli Picks
Jan 19
Look on ihub posts yesterday

^^ obvious b.s. There was no leak re: nejm on ihub on 1-19-22.

The above formed my basis that this guy was a hack.

Then Gasd said he was a paid pumper for nwbo and provided the link to the OTC disclosure from April 17, 2017, which in relevant part states:

e. The following is a complete list of third party providers, including names and addresses, engaged by the
Company, its officers, directors or controlling shareholders, during the period from the Company’s prior fiscal year
end to the date of this OTCQB Certification, to provide investor relations services, public relations services, or other
related services to the Company including promotion of the Company or its securities:
Money Channel - 48 Wall Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10005
Richard Cavalli – 92 West Paces Ferry Rd NW, Unit 8005, Atlanta, GA 30305

Which got me thinking is he still a paid pumper by NWBO? Looking back at his tweet history I'd say no. You can find this tweet from just 2 months ago:

Cavalli Picks
Dec 15, 2021
With new wave of Covid predicted, $NWBO could be delayed another year or more. Company is afraid of their own shadow to provide guidance. Could this backfire on Les?

He switches between bullish and bearish tweets. Another bearish tweet:

Cavalli Picks
Dec 10, 2021
Why is $NWBO collapsing now?

He also went from January 15th, 2021 till about December without any specific NWBO posts.

I stopped looking at his tweets prior to 2021.

Assuming they are the same people, this guy was a paid pumper for NWBO starting in 2017. I'd lean towards saying this guy is no longer a paid pumper, but he certainly has a financial interest (maybe he bought some stock?) as he has sporadically continued to tweet about NWBO with a rash of tweets in the last 2 months. His prior post on NWBO were always speculative in nature. Now he seems to have uncovered some tangible news and his tweets have switched from speculative to 'hey, I uncovered a factual scoop on the means of publication'.

Edit. I believe I was correct in my prior statement that he owned shares but was no longer compensated by NWBO. From his last article on NWBO:

Green Planet Microcaps was not compensated for this article but does owns shares of Northwest Biotherapeutics...


In the end I'd give Cavalli's tweet about NEJM a shred of credibility as he probably has connections with NWBO since he has worked with them in the past and his posts went from speculative ('nwbo could release tld on xx date') to a factual statement ("Soon upcoming publication in NEJM..."). Still feel like there is a high probability that this is BS but someone that has connections to NWBO and has a market change in the manner in which he posts has me giving him a tiny tiny bit of credibility.

Sorry, long post. Some longer term investors here probably are very familiar with this Cavalli guy, but being here only 4 months, it was interesting to dig further into this individual as this was the first I've heard of him and his relationship with NWBO. I didn't think NWBO was spending a penny on promotional material (other than giveaways at conferences). Apparently they hired this Cavalli guy for some pump.

For whatever it is worth, I hope he is right on NEJM as it will give the publication the most eyeballs.