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02/08/22 2:14 PM

#12521 RE: quester614 #12520

QUESTER, once again you leave out a lot of knowledge your aware of, one of the main characters is MOVYCHEM with their retacell product. I don't care about their lubes. The Retacell potential will more than support this company. we're all waiting to hear news of one direction or the other and another.
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02/08/22 2:22 PM

#12522 RE: quester614 #12520

Have you read the end of year letter?

They are talking to Movychem, and other revenue producing companies…

Maybe they will have revenues soon enough, that will help to pay and accelerate the development and certification of the Trifan600?

All possibilities imo, so one could look at the positive side, or the negative side…