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02/07/22 3:40 PM

#332081 RE: Subjugator #332080


Their MO Has Been Recycled 4-5 years in a row now and has developed a pattern that noone can deny.

Find a "partner" for something, get a pop in pps, execute nothing, reward selves with preferred/common shares, recycle.

This has happened with Tokin Dispensaries, Starlit Citadel, Morning, Kukum, Natural Stuff Incorporated.

Partnerships and acquisitions "magically" disappear - and Minority SH are left with "nothing" except PPS that is where it is today.

Based on YEARS of the same MO.

This year it's about an alleged Partnership with a Video Game company in Cali - and cannibalizing our own retail board game sales with Games2Go. Even the pr saying they put in an order for board games in time for the holidays was reused for the 3rd year in a row. How were the board game sales for 2021 holiday season? Not there, because there never was an order?

The Alleged Partnership With A Video Game Company Will End Up A Failure Too

FUNN needs new management to focus on cafes and cafes only. Fuggedabout anything else.

They should adjust business model to include showing sports . And, if they are ambitious- host video game tourneys?

Video game retail Is going to be a disaster. I can’t imagine that the retail video game industry is much different than the retail board game industry.

The old regime has already demonstrated that they had no clue how to operate a board game publishing, distribution, or fulfillment business.

The old regime was able to screw up the entire supply chain - whereas other companies were recording increases in board game revenues.

Are they now going to program video games, retail, and distribute these video games now???


The same thing that happened to 28 other non-existent carrots that were dangled in front of shareholders to keep this thing afloat. That's why no one trusts the management anymore n the stock is where its at