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02/04/22 11:28 PM

#441520 RE: jimmy667 #441517

Maybe explains how pps held strong today, even with low volume.

The Danish Dude

02/05/22 4:01 AM

#441528 RE: jimmy667 #441517

Very good news. Hopefully the DOJ investigation can uncover wrongdoings in all of the hierarchy up to the hedges like CDEL, JANE and NITE whom we all know has been colluding in keeping SP down.

Would be nice with a new Big Short/Margin Call/Wolf on Wall Street follow up, with lots of people seeing the inside of prisons in the final scene.


02/05/22 5:09 AM

#441531 RE: jimmy667 #441517

Very good news jimmy667, thanks for sharing.



02/05/22 5:14 AM

#441532 RE: jimmy667 #441517

From the article: “Ethics are a key part of my work, and I wouldn’t do anything unethical or untruthful,” said White Diamond’s Adam Gefvert. “I may write negative things about a company but I wouldn’t embellish anything. Everything is backed by proof.”

So many things come to mind here, here, with this. But, mainly, to my friends, current and former, here, it is not the “unethical” that the DOJ is looking into. Lol. Slippery slope.

But…It’s just a message board, right??

Another Saturday. I got nothing. Pancakes soon. I will enjoy.


02/05/22 8:45 AM

#441555 RE: jimmy667 #441517

Begs the question, knowing this, why would Powers voluntarily move to the Wild West OTC leave the company penny less, out of authorized with a high float, and with no request to have shareholders try to lock up their shares from shorts? Why let the P5 bunch make a clean getaway and then never even bother to educate shareholders on what was discovered?

Take a look at the circle of wealth Powers, LG and the others surround themselves. Look at her White House connections. By far the most political management team I've ever come across at this penny biotech level. So, why would the CEO need to go to a known bad player (caught by the SEC) for a lousy loan?

Everyone here knows these warrant holders are the ones likely shorting all these years but don't seem to want to fully comprehend the meaning. The company has zero legitimate institutional holdings but don't talk about it. All is well.


02/05/22 4:30 PM

#441603 RE: jimmy667 #441517

Agreed on all your points especially the later points about money laundering and Eastern European and offshore connections. Exactly what I have seen for years. They started hiding it after 2008, but it was all still there.