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02/04/22 7:22 PM

#92625 RE: Koog #92616

Your darn right we are confident that this material added to Silicon Photincs TRIPLES THE SPEED AND USES 1/2 THE POWER. DEAR LORD IF YOU THINK PHOTICS IS 20 YEARS AWAY, LOL. The market is betting on Silicon Photonics this Triples the speed of that...... just like adding Teflon to a pan works, or um, making rain coats that breath out of gore-tex allowing it to breath doesn't make sense, or ..... you certainly remember the crickets, vacuum tubes being replaced by Silicon, Fiber optics replacing copper across to oceans, or how about, pong, space invaders vs. Call of duty?

Come on now, not sure if we were your grandchildren, you'd be tellIng them that slow speed electrons are the answer, NOPE.

HALF THE POWER, TWICE THE SPEED,,,, THINK ABOUT THAT. So the stock market looks forward.



02/04/22 7:40 PM

#92627 RE: Koog #92616

Ok, let's play this out. If photinics are not the future, then what is?

Pretty simple, I can open the garage door, watch my dog, play a video game, check my heart beat, see how many steps I took today, check the temp in the green house, pay my electric, check my flight status, check every trade made today, as well as shorts, level Two's, sell a stock buy a stock, check posts,, pollen levels, radar, barometric pressure, future radar, have my brakes applied. Oh yes it will stop, no more forward pressure.

They have taken today's silicon technology and pushed it 4 times 8 time, do I here 16 times? How about an app that tells me when my dog needs to crap?

Houston the world has a problem. Appears to me 3 times speed and cutting down the smoke from the power plant by half just might help. But perhaps not,


The Great Pumpkin

02/04/22 8:49 PM

#92633 RE: Koog #92616

Click my name and read my posts. I've been saying the same and asking the same questions for almost 20 years. They can't and don't have answers. This is a scam where insiders bilk a paycheck from low information types with no acumen on the subject. Insiders play their emotions like a fiddle and have been able to get away with it in penny land for all these years. Not going to happen in the big show. The sharks are circling and this turd is getting flushed. Mark this post!



02/08/22 9:31 AM

#92834 RE: Koog #92616

So long.

(Or was it, So short?)