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02/02/22 3:02 PM

#7125 RE: jrock777 #7113

Thank you for your thoughtful response about Todos. I appreciate your concerns. I read the post several times and was curious about what may have colored your thinking about the company. I noticed that you hadn't posted much about TOMDF so I read some of your previous posts. Most of your previous posts were about Amarantus (AMBS) and were very positive, but you quit posting about AMBS in 2016. There are a number of posters on this board like myself who are/were investors in AMBS and understand that that experience probably had much to do with the way you responded today.

Having said this, wouldn't you agree that Todos is different from AMBS. GC has managed to put together a very accomplished management team. Each member has a proven and financially successful track record. The company now has products and services that are bringing in cash and potentially there is a pretty bright future for the company.

It seems to me that the company is in the right business at the right time to provide a real contribution to mankind...and develop a financially strong company at the same time.
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02/02/22 5:58 PM

#7138 RE: jrock777 #7113

Have to disagree with you.

1. Company is moving forward with this leadership. CEO is taking a reduced salary and working hard to increase awareness of Todos products and services. There have been many appearances on media outlets and investment conferences where investors questions were answered. Goals and targets are being met, perhaps not on the timeline of some investors, but they are making clear progress. What is your evidence the company is not moving forward?

2. Company is not in default. They are using both revenue and financing to fund operations on multiple fronts with multiple assets. Please provide proof of this claim.

3. Toxic convertibles have been transitioned to reputable firms like Yozma who are supporting company to see them through to NASDAQ uplisting. Not the same debt structure AMBS had. Not even close. How would you suggest they fund the company? All OTC companies fund this way until they reach a point of revenue and sales they can transition to other funding vehicles. It's part of the OTC game. Those who can't stomach the reality shouldn't invest in OTC stocks.

4. Provista testing revenue ramped up significantly in 4th quarter. The financials aren't out on that yet. That's where you'll see the actual numbers to back up the claims in presentations and press releases. This is the ONLY way investors see the money generated. What other means are you expecting?

5. Please show us evidence of the lucrative deal and crazy bonuses the CEO or insiders are setting up for themselves. These folks deserve to be compensated for their work, and milestone bonuses are normal in any company. Goals are being met for progress of the business model. Tollovid sales are skyrocketing, as are testing revenues. Provista lab is having to hire additional staff to support the testing demands. The phase 2 Tollovir trial results were outstanding. Videssa is being moved closer to commercial re-launch with insurance reimbursements. How is this not meeting goals or showing progress?

6. Not doing the same thing he did at Amarantus. Most of those expected outcomes didn't come to pass. Most of the things Gerald tweets about now is happening or has already been completed. Not the same as Amarantus at all.

7. Show me any other company that has the stellar results Todos had in a hospitalized Covid setting with patients exhibiting moderate to severe symptoms. The standards of care for Covid patients are still allowing too many of them to die. Tollovir has the potential to change that entire landscape of treatment.

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts, but I disagree with everything you stated. I have done my DD here and like what I see. The company is meeting targets and addressing the right avenues to move forward. I realize they are a small company and will likely need a partner to fully realize the potential of some of their assets, but I believe they will succeed on that front as well. I'm not a trader and my outlook for my Todos investment is long term and I'm not deterred by the current share price decline. Forces are at work here that have nothing to do with company performance. I'm trying to take advantage to pick up cheap shares as I am able. If you don't see the same opportunity, you are free to avoid this stock as an investment. But making broad statements that are not based in reality as evidenced by substantial progress made by this company and CEO will not deter those of us who have a good understanding of what this company is trying to accomplish and their executing of plans to get there.
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02/03/22 12:20 AM

#7152 RE: jrock777 #7113

Well thank you for taking the time to write that. I suspect a lot of it is true. I think that most people buying this stock kind of know parts or most of this. Or at least feel it. It is probably a tight rope act at this point. If GC makes it to the other side. We all make some money. Potentially a lot. But there is an equal chance he will fall off the tight rope and the company fall to its death. Which is why the stock struggled to stay above .04 cents today. I personally think GC is not a bad guy. He is just a shortcut guy. Instead of keep your head down and spend 5 years organically building a company the old fashion way, through hard work. Adding 3 or 4 employees a quarter. One location a year. He borrows and spends trying to create interest and make deals and create an image of a huge company. Possibly even create a big company. But not one that is growing lock step with revenue. In reality it is probably a little 22 person outfit trying hard not to look like what it actually is. He reminds me of some of my clients. They put in a phone system that says press 3 for sales, then 4 for domestic sales, then 2 for authorized resellers. No matter what number you press you get Bob. He is also the only person in the entire Customer Service tree. Because in the end. There are only 3 people sitting in one room with three phones. All they are trying to do is look/sound bigger so they can compete with the big boys. GC is a deal maker. Not a company builder. He should go work at a fortune 1,000 and merge/acquire them into a fortune 100. He would be great at that. I am going to give him till Q3 and then I am out of this stock. By then I will know if it is a scam, dream, or possibility/reality.