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01/27/22 4:07 PM

#97934 RE: 90 West #97932

I agree. Mark totally blew this opportunity.

and he still can't produce a PR without any typos/errors.

what a doofus.


Saving Grace

01/27/22 6:22 PM

#97935 RE: 90 West #97932

I know, I thought, what a dip shit when I seen that.

The idiot CEO should have just said, they are acquiring Tytan Industrial and left it at that. But no, he starts pimping trailers he's had in stock for 2 years. I thought, OMG, how dumb and desperate can this CEO be? And the deal isn't even sowed up, so why even say anything until it is.

I think Tytan Industrial has been selling the Crawler but The CEO has had a decade to plan and there's no excuse to be so dumb and still remain vague about what the hell is really going on.

I think the dope needs to hire an advisor to get the story strait before publishing that bunk as he's the only one I see excited about that plan.

Good grief, I don't know how he was before but seen pics of him in China with tractors. I'm not impressed so far. Pimping used trailers and patting himself on the back for selling boat trailers in the 80's isn't going to cut it. He had better produce some actual numbers for Tytan International to see if it's even a viable direction to take and not be vague about it, pimping used trailers. Pist