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01/20/22 1:42 PM

#139804 RE: oodtw #139799

That statement from whoever made it is absolutely laughable and proves complete ignorance, considering there are multiple major catalysts coming this year.

The immuneactive will be a decent revenue stream, people are scrambling to try anything these days to help their immune systems during the ongoing Covid pandemic.

What people are sleeping on yet again is the animal / veterinary market, which is absolutely massive. By end of year they said they expect animal mAbs for various types of illnesses / diseases to be rolled out. These don’t need trials like human meds. Like I’ve said before, most people don’t realize how huge that is going to be. Personal pets, Vets, zoos, farms, list goes on and on. That market is bigger than people can fathom.

Besides, bios do not need to be completely to market to see huge payoffs. Multiple clinical trials will also be underway this year.