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01/10/22 11:43 PM

#43304 RE: Oger #43276

Thing is bro, most all the information presented here comes directly from or derived from Mr. Munaf Ali himself from the numerous statements he made at the Crypto mining summit that took place in Dubai back in November. These facts that have been restated and expanded upon here don't just come from some obscure article it comes straight from the source, Mr. Ali. It was Mr. Ali who stated that they have acquired a U.S. listed entity for the sole purpose of listing some of The Phoenix Groups assets on the U.S. market. Just to recap again some of those fact are that The Phoenix Group currently has $5oo,000,000 (usd) of assets currently under management. Thats through their VC division. They also have Crypto mining operation active in the UAE, Russia, Canada and the USA. Then of course there is the Phoenix Store. Mr. Ali also stated that they are looking into opening a full service Crypto exchange there in the Middle East. He also said they just placed an order for $65o million worth of mining equipment. Largest purchase order ever for Bitmain.

Then there are facts that have been discovered independently, Like, very wealthy people are backing the Phoenix Groups endeavors. Also, Dubai and the UAE are rapidly becoming the Crypto/Defi capital of the world. They have been ramping up very quickly to accommodate this new series of technologies.

Just a few of my random thoughts. I'm sure there is a lot more that I have missed.

Mark out