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01/07/22 6:45 PM

#89349 RE: Outcast27 #89348

Been through this before. We went to $17 and sold off back to $6. Based there and went back up only to hit $20. Pull back to here. Base and onward to new highs!


01/07/22 6:56 PM

#89351 RE: Outcast27 #89348

Early buyers like myself who have doubled down (or more) on a $1.66 position are not sweating a little downside.


01/08/22 3:48 AM

#89380 RE: Outcast27 #89348

Outcast, if I may , I think you should have a bit more self confidence. Yes, some longs have been here for many years, like me, and now can boost or at least enjoy the rewards of their patience, self confidence and confidence in the company and its leadership. You don’t want to know how often we have felt the pain of seeing our investment in this company going down to half or even less. Going from 0,90 cents to 0,45 cents is still half the inlay. This has been happening for years, until mid 2021. A lot of us poor miserably investors are now millionaires because we stayed the course, we believed in the technology and we have seen impressive characters and scientist signing up for senior positions at the company. You are very fortunate to be able to step in now, your timing has been much better than ours. Institutions and funds are seeing the light, literally. The company is at the dawn of an absolutely and incredible breakthrough, something we have been expecting for more than a decade ( some longer). Hope it helps to see that most longs experienced losses over many, many years. In fact I have become used to seeing these stupid share price movements, mostly down. The fear of losing cuts deeper into your psyche than the pleasure of winning. But I also can tell you that this investment today is more de risked than ever, both from a technology point of view ( moved from R&D to development and now production/commercialization) but also from an economic point of view (more money invested in this company than ever before). and from a societal point of view ( data transmission and energy transition). I have tremendous confidence in this investment and I am happy to see that big investment companies with intelligent professional staffs are joining me.