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01/07/22 3:18 PM

#433090 RE: Doc logic #433088

You are a saint doc. Way more patient and thorough in your responses than I ever was :D


01/07/22 3:29 PM

#433094 RE: Doc logic #433088

Great post.


01/07/22 4:32 PM

#433107 RE: Doc logic #433088

Thanks Doc! You said what I believe and why I hang onto my shares. It just helps my nerves to read your words after a week of continuing to ride this roller coaster!!


01/07/22 4:42 PM

#433109 RE: Doc logic #433088

Brilliant Logic Doc.
It takes a tremendous amount of calculations and logic for a Company to dare to go where none have gone before. Investors likewise must rely on logic rather than emotion if they wish to ride along with said visionary Company to the very frontier of science and medicine. Where NWBO is determined to go in treatment of brain cancer is the unknown and uncharted frontier of medical science.
With Dr.LL as navigator and LP as captain I am willing to go along for the ride and not continually question the caculations of the navigator or the decisions of the captain. To do so would be illogical in the extreme to the point of hysteria.
As retail investors we can relax and enjoy the ride and share in the possible astonishing achievements or we can simply exit the vessel.
For me there is no better view to the future of cancer treatment (and sharing in a possible explosion in Market Cap ) than front row on NWBO.

The Danish Dude

01/07/22 5:23 PM

#433121 RE: Doc logic #433088

So true!


01/07/22 7:05 PM

#433174 RE: Doc logic #433088

Great ppst


01/07/22 8:27 PM

#433205 RE: Doc logic #433088

Doc, Yes it's a really important point to understand the DCVax platform and potential, where misunderstanding likely means many good intentioned long investors will sell out too early.

I am reminded of Amazon. If one thought Amazon was an online bookstore set up to avoid paying sales tax only, then after Borders and Barnes & Nobles lost market share, one would have thought "done" and would have sold their shares "too early". The key was to understand the "platform" was much bigger and was on the path to dominate e-commerce overall. There was the 1-Click patent, a key advantage, applied broadly for online buying, and allowed Amazon to collect data. There was the acquisition of the robotic company Kiva Systems for factory automation and Amazon's terminating other's use of it.

Nothing is obvious, and I am the first to admit seeing only events and missing patterns. So I do thank the many posters like yourself here on Ihub who point out things, like what is significant and explain things... for example the broad DCVax patents we have built up are emerging now, and the manufacturing potential of owning the Flaskwork's Baton and MicroDen technology and systems have a multiplier effect on quality, cost, and speed.


01/08/22 3:49 AM

#433247 RE: Doc logic #433088

Thank you DocLogic.

Great post.