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01/10/22 10:57 AM

#5449 RE: 77Port #5445

Yeah OK, let's try and unravel this plate of spaghetti.

I'm quoted as saying something absolutely true and then accused of saying my opinion. How shocking? I must have gotten it wrong. I thought saying my opinion was the point of freedom.

I must have missed the "true," as in factually true, part. Could you run that by me again?

Man, everyone is so enamored with shouting out "FREEDOM" at every opportunity. What is so ironic about that is that it always seems that the "Freedom" they want, indeed demand, is a one way street in their minds. Oh they believe in freedom alright, but just for them not anyone else.

I can accept anyone's opinion and will defend their right to have it and express it, but when an opinion is stated as a fact, well, that's where I will draw the line.

I was actually unaware that electricity did not exist prior to 1913 and the creation of The Federal Reserve Act. Nor was I aware that the stove and indoor plumbing, indoor plumbing is credited to The Federal Reserve. I think they don't receive enough creit for the invention of the wheel, and my personal favorite, Velcro!!!!

The Federal Reserve was an idea birthed in England around 1691 with the creation of the Central Bank of England. After the Revolutionary War there were many failed attempts to copy the English model. It wasn't until 1910 when a cartel of 6 American Bankers and Businessmen along with a Senator that they had bought and had in there pockets (who would later marry into the Rockefeller Family Dynasty) embarked on a super secret journey to a meeting on Jekyll Island where they concocted the idea of a Central Bank, a Federal Reserve, and foist, with the aid of Senator Allrich, the scheme onto the American public. The meeting was so secret that a special mystery train was utilized to transport the conspirators from Hoboken, NJ to Georgia and the passengers were known only to the railroad workers and wait staff by their first names so as not to draw any publicity and exposure by the press at the time. Yes, newspapers did exist before The Fed.

The rest is as they say history. The Cartel tried and failed to get the legislation passed in Congress but did not give up until they finally succeeded in duping Congress and America that a private central bank was the answer to America's economic needs.

The Fed was so successful that they caused the meteoric rise of Wall Street during the 1920s which led to the prolonged Depression of the 1930s. Well done Fed!!

All this info is available if anyone has the desire to do a little digging and actually reading the factual history of the Fed and the cloak of secrecy it operates under. The Federal Gov't has absolutely no control over The Fed except for the appearance of such by appointing its chairperson. Who was previously approved by Wall Street. The 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks are owned and operated by what was created back on Jekyll Island in 1910.

So no, The Fed is not a force for good in the world. It did not invent electricity, the stove, indoor plumbing, or the fires that keep folks warm while they work on their computers. They created a system that from its inception is a vehicle for transferring wealth from the pockets of the poor, middle, and working classes into the overstuffed bank accounts of the rich and powerful. All carried out with the blessing of the US Gov't.

Unfortunately with today's social media impact the general public has the attention span of a gnat and can't read anything longer than 248 characters. And why should they? There is no desire to actually read and learn when you can simply gain your knowledge from a tweet or two.