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01/02/22 2:56 PM

#29106 RE: island_looker #29105

Go to MSX regulators for your money. You had at your own hands the truth and fumbled it as MSX for justice.

Supreme Court of Chile 2017 told the MSX regulators, come here and declare.

They refused. I did what it took to achieve the justice you dropped like a ton of bricks. Instead I did justice FOR CANADA and true shareholders of MWR and MSX "at the foot of the cannon". You have no merits to go v. MSX.

You and the likes that dissented all along, only played v. MSX at the hands of the criminals that stole its rights, projects and future, with theft of opportunity via obstruction of justice of a CRIME STILL IN PROGRESS.

Remember that omission is a crime as bad as perjury and libel. You are so rich as a TEACHER that can afford to waste your savings and investments, blaming your company for your own shortcomings. Your intellect was PROFIT or COMPLAINT. Easy to be lazy and then RANT.

My business HAS NOT CHANGEDA from day one. Only you guys fumbled it.

Not even with a SUPREME COURT order to MSX regulators to face off their legal Joint Venture in Chilean Courts and Tribunals, sufficed.

It, was kept hidden from the MWR and MSX investors and innocent shareholders of Barrick Silver Wheaton Royal Gold, MWR, you knew it back then AND DID NOTHING PAL. "well, YOU TRIED" but abandoned the TRUTH.

It was less time consuming and more convenient TO ACCEOT THE LIE.

MSX et al guilty?. You can not see the forest? move your hands from your own eyes and open them buddy, You are surrounded by it. THE SAME TRUTH you knew it to be DAY ONE ... has come TO PASS. Ripley. Wow,

FOCUS, 2021 MSX won a right of Appeal, won civil rights to sue for damages in Chile v. THE EXPERT witness that never was at the 2018 Hearing. So MSX and me

MSX won the rights to criminal actions against O $$$ A and the most prestigious LAW FIRM of Chile winner of the 2021 Financial Law Firm of the AMERICAS. With my money and my legal team.

MSX won the right to pursue O $$$ A his top law firm and ITS CRIMINAL EMPLOYERS from Canada, at my coin and my legal efforts that had already succeeded at the same PRIOR TO. Civil, criminal and Damages actions, both "properly contracted parties". Chilean Mining Law Criminal action also pursued by PDI Chile (FBI) whom nailed MSX regulators as NON COOPERATIVE witness (employers of the criminals).

In Canada that is obstruction of justice to coverup a CRIME IN PROGRESS Barrick and SILVER WHEATON PASCUA SILVER SCAM. MWR and MSX paid for that

So do not come to ask me for MONEY after I put Mina Pascua in your hands.

LAMA is an invention of your defended BARRICK and MWR + MSX regulators. You knew that from DAY ONE. But it is easier to CAST ASPERSION and lies rather than working hard for MSX SHAREHOLDERS FOR JUSTICE, not pursued ON TIME or in the manner that corresponded.

It was me who had to bring the Canadian criminals to justice. As done.

Hence my invitation again: Go to RCMP with MSX to make the charges of obstruction of justice to cover up a crime in progress. Happy 2022 MSX.