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12/29/21 2:27 PM

#349144 RE: Imperial Whazoo #349142

there is never a dumb question... just stupid answers

the gamma squeeze you speak of - talked about as the reason for quite a few short squeezes in 2021.

on the flip side you'd have to think how a massive amount of puts being bought would affect a stock if a market maker wanted to sell those puts and yet remain neutral.

the problem with this type of "inverted' gamma squeeze...

price can only go to zero.....

where as we saw with GME.... when it was going at $30... $40.. $50. and the options 200% out of the money were trading like they were in the money.

its just not the same

although in theory i belivev if someone orhstraded a massive amount of put buying and then was able to trigger selling as the price neared the puts.. the nuetral market maker would have to adjust to remain nuetral, and possible helping the price decline