'I don't wear the tinfoil hat'
Fret nott, I have extras. I will bring you a new one. Lemme know when the margaritas and lengua tacos are ready and I'll bop on over w/one.
On the COVID points, I will try to address omicron and other clades tonight. No guarantee on that. I am recovering from 2000 miles of driving and a cold my wife gave me with the welcome kiss - nasal congestion, runny nose, headache. DaSquaw has had it for a week. No testing, butt prolly just a cold and nott coronavirus.
DaSquaw does nott like DaBeard, so I will be buzzing it off with a Wahl beard trimmer. No plan to shave though. Conveniently DaSquaw made a huge stockpot full of chicken noodle soup yesterday for my arrival. At supper tonite we will begin a combined Phase I/II clinical trial on he medicinal efficacy of said chicken noodle soup and excipients included therein.
Stay well and good, cyberfriend. And don't overcook the lengua on the grill por favor.