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12/16/21 12:12 PM

#63231 RE: Darth Trader #63230

Correct. IFUS has just started. It has only been a few months since the
Poison Apple/ Tasmanian Devil has been gone. We have to give the new
team a chance to implement their game plan. We have complete confidence
in them. Their hands are not tied anymore.
Clear skies are ahead.



12/16/21 12:38 PM

#63233 RE: Darth Trader #63230

I agree, IFUS longs have always supported the management.

IFUS longs use the Intact Nutrition products and Know they work.

Many IFUS longs have been to the manufacturing plant and know management.

I look forward to meeting Mr Schaefer.

Possibly after the holidays we can see a video of him and manufacturing making and delivering Supreme Gold Plus bagasse.

When you know what you own with IFUS all you need to do is wait.

Build it and the Revenues will come!!!