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12/10/21 7:27 PM

#393477 RE: Koog #393475

Koog, He no doubt made the accusation of false equivalence in direct reference to your

Look no further than those who foment the division & hate. You will find them on both sides of the aisle, seemingly beating the hell out of each other but really working together to divide the populace for their own power and money.

and your "both sides of the aisle" is most surely an equivalence reference. He believes the reference in the context of Democrats and Republicans today is wrong. As most of us here do. All the evidence points to them being very different. The loudest voices are very different.

Some common differences cited by those who cringe whenever 'both sides' is mentioned are: Attitudes toward human induced climate change. Toward Russian meddling in American elections. Toward knowing the factual truth around Jan. 6, 2021. Who all the most important actors were. Those who stood against Trump's attempt to abort the 2020 presidential election result. Extremism: Sanders, AOC v Trump, Boebart/Gohmer/Gaetz,Jordan, et al. Socialism. Empathy.

I think those who debate this 'both sides' bug-bear here feel you are referring to most every politician as being as bad as the other, .. "referring to most every politician in any office of any political stripe I have witnessed in my lifetime since I really started paying attention with Johnson." .. rather than just those you have witnessed.

Sure they all have things in common. But vast differences also. But, any suggestion of them being in real terms much equivalent fails, on the evidence.

To your "Most on this board try to tie every comment to being pro-Trump or anti-Trump." That's your frame. Why not say: more pro-the present heavily Trump influenced GOP AND all those politicians supportive or enablers of Trump's GOP or more Democrat minded. Ethically. Morally. Rationally. Roe v Wade??? Yes, the parties are miles apart on abortion rights too. So generality 'both sides' comment rankles big time. Wrinkles too.

Your "Trump and Biden, the two most recent Presidents, are two particularly horrible examples of shitty politicians." does a huge disservice to Biden. That, i think, to any reasonably objective viewer, obviously speaks for itself. Do you really believe historians will see Biden and Trump anywhere as ranked as closely together there as you do? And character? Chalk and cheese, more than not.

And your "The most prolific posters on this board are so polarized that they cannot or will not realize that they are being played by both the politicians they like and the ones they hate. I will not fall into such a trap." again is your framing. Why not say i don't know how the most prolific posters feel about their own objectivity, but my impression is they don't have much. Not nearly as much as i do. As you do. Oh, you said that.

I don't think your assessment of those posters here is any more fairer than your Trump-Biden both... was to Biden.

Koog, your opinion is yours as all others are theirs. As mine is mine. Most will agree with some of what you say, and disagree with other bits.

All politicians have to be elected. That's a given. Once there though not all are as truthful as others. Not all are nearly the same.

Some are Democrats. Some are Republicans. Today in reading that you gotta feel some basic and important differences.