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12/08/21 10:19 AM

#135127 RE: foxi #135125

foxi.. and all
Henry and Stephen Hicks one thing and one thing only under
their main umbrella of the PARENT.
Southridge Capital Partners
Livingston Asset Mgt is just under that umbrella.
Look they have been selling these Common Shares that came to them for convertible debt every chance they get (they had plenty) and that
is what they do . (normally they do it in blocks so not to take down the stock to much, but their profit is astronomical % ROI) PERIOD.
You can do the math , however once shares go to UNRESTRICTED COMMON SHARES , it means that NO RESTRICTIONS. Now if a lender agrees to hold off for awhile that is up to them. But as I indicated prior one can easily see by share action what is going on . ( or for that matter what is not going on ... selling .. volume just hanging there ).
How much is left , Well it is less than it was at the beginning of the year and less than 3 months ago. There is not any reporting requirements for someone/business getting rid of UNRESTRICTED COMMON SHARES .
Hey do you let everyone know when you sell.. I mean cmon, get your stuff together if you do not know these things. GLTA :).