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11/25/21 10:10 PM

#337600 RE: powerwalker #337592

Looking out to an Anavex future.

Thanks for those corrections. I didn’t closely determine the Microsoft share price over the years. But, anyone who took an early equity position (and held it), today has some very handsome value gains. Back then (early ‘90s), had I known, I’da scraped up $1000 and bought in. But, I didn’t. Nothing for me to talk about (regarding Microsoft).

The question here is whether or not Anavex will yield big gains in the coming years. I knew very little about computers, computing, or potential share prices for the new companies leading the new technologies. Not so with Anavex. I’m an accomplished, knowledgeable biologist; can understand the arcane complexities of both general cell biology (taught it to talented students in a very select college-preparatory program; where my students went on to gain science scholarships and earn advanced degrees), and the particular, unique medical biology of the Anavex molecules. With those understandings, I’m confident in the eventual success of my modest Anavex investment.

If Anavex gains regulatory approval to sell blarcamesine to treat but any one of the three CNS diseases currently targeted, Rett syndrome, Parkinson’s disease dementia, or (the real biggie) Alzheimer’s disease, the AVXL share price will increase by an order of magnitude (10X) or more.

But there is the real possibility, pending eventual clinical-trial affirmation, that the Anavex molecules will be able to treat or prevent any number of other neurodegenerative or geriatric (age-related) diseases. Of particular impact will be the discovery that blarcamesine (or Anavex 3-71) produces profound prophylactic, disease-prevention outcomes. As Dr. Missling, Anavex CEO has already mentioned, there is the possibility that someday mass numbers of people will take a tablet of an Anavex drug each day, to ward off untoward aging or geriatric diseases. When everyone at the age of, say, forty needs to start popping an Anavex pill with breakfast each day, one or two more zeros will be needed to indicate the AVXL share price.

Then, finally, there is the distinct possibility that an Anavex molecule, by its propitious modulation of chromatin functions in chromosomes would markedly reduce mutations in germ cells (ova and spermatozoa). Were that the case, males would take the Anavex drug before fathering children. Women, because the genetics of ova are determined at a very early age, even before birth, would have to take the drug during their entire lives; to minimize genetic defects in first her ova, then in the children those would produce.

All of this will need to be properly determined and demonstrated. Many clinical trials on the Anavex horizon.