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11/25/21 10:25 AM

#391969 RE: B402 #391967

Rural Americans know what's coming

A filthy city, full of snobs

You ain't seen filth or snobs til you get to rural, white America.

"Rural Americans" voted overwhelmingly for Trump, you benighted fool.

It's "Rural Americans" that voted for this desperate world, full of guns and drugs and lacking all opportunity for your own children.

It's "Rural Americans" that voted out the chances of affordable education.

It's "Rural Americans" that voted to bankrupt family after family over illness.

It's "Rural Americans" that vote consistently against any sort of sustainable future.

It's "Rural Americans" that voted for the unaccountable aristocracy where a man can increase his wealth by $36 billion in a day and pay less tax on it than an overworked taxi driver.

It's "Rural Americans" that crushed the unions that put your own worth on an equal footing with the powerful.

It's "Rural Americans" and their overwhelming, disgusting, despicable and ultimately nihilistic hatred of the brown-skinned "other" that have brought us to this pass. You reject hope, because someone else might share the future, and your tribe may not reign supreme.

You're poorer fatter, stupider and more diseased than any citizen of a first world country has any business being. I hope it gives you comfort that you're taking the rest of us down with you.

Sorry about your kid. Maybe you should have given him a world worth living in.


11/25/21 10:28 AM

#391970 RE: B402 #391967

Sorry, if you trash NYC, my adopted home of 40+ years, we have nothing further to discuss. How do you presume to know anything about the place, anyway?

There have been drastic changes everywhere, bemoaning the present as compared to the past is a fool's errand.

Sorry about your son, Happy Thanksgiving.

p.s., wtf are NYC business models?


11/25/21 7:29 PM

#391995 RE: B402 #391967

I feel sorry for rural America as their lifestyle is disappearing and fast. Currently hydroponics yields far more per acre than any farm can generate without heavy machinery and little bug repellent needed. Don't have to worry about droughts and immigrants needed to pick the crops as most everything is automated. Rural America's children are fleeing for a much better life style with far far more opportunities. Look at the agricultural states that pay little compared to more affluent states to educate their children. If it wasn't for crop subsidies and the government guarantees there would be even more flight from rural areas.