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03/11/24 1:32 PM

#118594 RE: mythical_phenix #92277

I was worried Big Henry was abducted by disgruntled enthusiasts and all the valuable entertainment would end.

Good thing he is still with us.

Now that he is communicating again, can one of you enthusiasts ask for an update on the "ADE Token"?

You remember this.

That's when vaunted crypto experts Johnny Park and Whankuk Je were paid 2.3 Billion shares (almost 10% of the outstanding shares at the time) to form an "Asia Diamond Exchange Blockchain Task Force" to devleop "ADE Tokens".

You cannot make this stuff up. Of course we never heard anything more on this.

Yet at the time big PHIL was trading on the order of $0.008. 2.3 Billion * $0.008 = $18.4 million.

That's a lot of scratch. Given the results of the task force I wonder that that payment was really about.