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11/23/21 10:14 AM

#420792 RE: JerryCampbell #420790

didn't she train the regulators??


11/23/21 11:28 AM

#420854 RE: JerryCampbell #420790

Jerry, imo perfect explanation


11/23/21 12:47 PM

#420906 RE: JerryCampbell #420790

RE: JerryCampbell

I certainly don't disagree with you. I am pretty sure that I have said before that if I were picking a management team for NWBO, I would not have selected the current one. As you say, probably a lot of their missed dates (or the amount by which they were missed) are the result of or exacerbated by a pure lack of experience. Similarly, Linda Powers is not an engaging public speaker. It would be nice to have someone who can really own an audience out there but maybe that is not in the budget or people want to hear from the CEO, I don't know. The list goes on.

That said, management's passion and commitment mean a lot to me because their goals are more akin to my own and they appear to be willing and able to achieve their vision for the company, even if it takes longer than many might like. I am not just here to make enough to retire comfortably, I want to be part of a significant event in human history. Something that has the potential to change people's lives for the better.

I don't doubt that with some sort of partnership or buyout we could probably be in Approval Land by now and maybe hit a price-per-share goal of many here. But I do not trust a large pharmaceutical company not to bury DC Vax or otherwise compromise its true potential for purely financial reasons. And even if it takes longer, I feel that going-it-alone provides both a better eventual share price as well as more control over the outcome. I like to think the SAP, consultants, and physicians/clinicians NWBO works with can provide enough direction when necessary to keep them on the right track.

Ultimately, with every day passed the chance for success rises, the opportunity to crush NWBO fades, and I wait patiently for actual news.


11/24/21 3:46 PM

#421433 RE: JerryCampbell #420790

I’m pretty sure most BPs have also not encountered the types of problems NWBO management have had to contend with while on this journey. Pseudoprogression isn’t an issue most chemotherapy trials bump up against.

So, IMO, and in the words of Robert Frost, NWBO has taken the road less traveled, and it will indeed make all the difference.