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11/19/21 12:48 PM

#419422 RE: CrashOverride #419349

I could care less about weak-handed common shareholders. Let them sell and move those shares into stronger hands. Most retail investors don't have the stomach (or understanding) for biotech investing, but for some reason, take positions in a sector in which they have no idea about, and expect timelines on their schedule. Its absurd. ALL biotechs are subject to delays, and most of these delays are out of the Companys hands....such as peer-reviewers not being available/delayed due to COVID, or inspectors being backed up with a heavy back-log in the UK. There is absolutely NOTHING Northwest can do but ride it out. Same with us, we ride it out. I dont care what anyone says, if the freaking trial failed, it would have been reported. PERIOD. Unless Powers would love to open up a huge amount of litigation and self-imposed criminal charges by an assortment of Regulatory Agency's who enforce fraudulent activity's by Companys' Management. While I think she has mis-managed parts of NWBO business, I do not think she is stupid, nor reckless in this regard. She knows better. Even if TLD doesn't happen until Q1/2 2022 WTF does it mattter??? The end-game is all the same. People need to straighten out their time-lines too match that of the Company. Only then will they find piece of mind in their investments.
