You mean this?
Vehicles to hedge. 3x ETF's, OTM Puts (when) decisive support is breached without any sustained rebound. OTM CALLS in next 2 months especially after a 3 day slide of significant. Most commodities will surge between NOW and March. All inflation assets will shine in that same period.
I present to YOU a scenario that i think will happen. I even give a short timeline. it is UP TO YOU to stop being lazy and rely on your own intelligence and expertise to decide HOW TO PLAY IT!
I don't have specifics other than my posted suggestions. Since latter stage of a blow off can last longer than anticipated timing vehicles are impossible to get right. Longer term bets from shorting (and taking the losses as it spikes, to buying commodities, farm land or inflation sensitive assets.
If someone tells you the river you are rowing on will soon come to rapids and then a waterfall do YOU really need me to explain that you should get off the river? you want to enjoy it for as long as possible? Find a estuary that bypasses the waterfall?
My play is short term high risk plays. I bet the pandemic drop 2 weeks early and lost 75% of bet but doubled up before the real drop. I look for clear possible reversal points and wave structure not from Elliot's analysis. I look for past patterns that fit current situation. I always play no more thn 5 days out on option play. that however is statistically a bad way to make money. My "intuitive" nature allowed big score and streak play. Unfortunately it also has more misses than hits. I have NOT bet often in this last years run. Anticipated big recovery but had no short term play. Love the violent transitional moves. Clear wave structure. Sitting on my hands HOPING for a frenzied last 2 months.