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11/15/21 12:26 PM

#719 RE: fink #718

Sadly I agree with you.


11/15/21 1:28 PM

#721 RE: fink #718

I should not pick on Biden. He’s a sad embarrassing puppet.
They will purge him soon.

There is one way to "purge" a president. One legal way. It's impeachment & removal.

You know what business really hates? Uncertainty. Far right revolution is uncertainity to the nth degree. You think big business supports disrupting democracy in such a fundamental way? Civil War?

Or do you just support treason so readily? There are terms for people who want to overturn free & fair elections by intimidation or force. We call them terrorists. Or traitors. Or revolutionaries.

I promise you, though, we do not call them patriots.

Inflation and failure of our supply chain has people afraid to take the risk to go public and fund growth.

Welcome to the world after the worst of a global pandemic. Inflation is being caused by increased consumer demand; a labour disruption caused by labour's epiphany that they were working crappy jobs at crappier pay & treated like crap by employers & customers for doing so; and a supply chain where a couple of worldwide bottlenecks.

Companies have been hoarding money for years, offering us stock buybacks rather than growth or wage increases. Has nothing to do with nothing... other than typical amerikan hoarding of wealth & incentive systems that promote a high stock price over policies that benefit labour or consumers.

This is the failure of the amerikan-style capitalist model, not some vast left-wing conspiracy by the World Economic Forum, Democrats, socialists, the "woke", or whatever.

“Build back better” is an agenda from the World Economic Forum. Many Nation leaders are using it. It’s an agenda. America must be brought to its knees first..

You do realize that if you separate the main components of BBB & ask Americans if they support them, they do so overwhelmingly, yes? Universal pre-K? Paid leave? Climate change measures including ditching coal? Free community College? R's support that stuff by strong majorities.

Or is offering your citizens paid sick days, paid days off to have a baby, affordable childcare & healthcare, an educated citizenry, the possibility of not living in constant economic fear 24/ all that socialism?

And what is the R agenda? CRT? Masks in schools? Yet more tax cuts to the wealthy because...??? The R party has no ideas left. Not rational ones that help working Americans, anyway. All R's have left is fear & stupid culture war crap. Name me one R policy that doesn't have as it's main objective "give more wealth to the extremely wealthy" or "make Whites fear they may lose control".

You know who or what is bringing amerika to its knees? Amerikans. So-called patriots. Ignorance. Self-delusion. Unfocused or misfocused anger. Racism. White nationalism.

The enemy is us.

Ultimately it wants…”you will own nothing and be happy”. It’s evil.

What does this even mean? This is just fear-mongering.

It's all, all of it, just kind of embarrassing. There are real concerns we should have. Protecting the uber-wealthy by screaming "socialist plot" at anything that forces the rich to give a little ground to everyone else...that's just sad.


11/15/21 2:21 PM

#724 RE: fink #718

Trump is a liar, abuser of women, accused of rape at least twice (ongoing court case now), alleged tax fraud, caused the Jan. 6 riot, increased the National Debt by almost 8 trillion dollars, caused over 700,000 people to die because he ignored the virus and called it a hoax, called GA to get them to overturn their election results. What a man! Putin puppet.

I could write a book.