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GLOBALFOUNDRIES Dresden Certified to Manufacture Secure Products
Apr 27, 2020
Common Criteria Certificate opens the door for new solutions, markets and customers, completing GF’s global network of Secure and Trusted Manufacturing in Europe

Dresden / Berlin, 27. April 2020. The German Federal Office for Information Security (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, BSI) has certified the GLOBALFOUNDRIES® (GF®) Dresden site according to the latest international Common Criteria standard (ISO 15408, CC Version 3.1). In a “virtual ceremony”, the certificate was presented today to Dr. Thomas Morgenstern, SVP and General Manager of GF in Dresden, by Arne Schönbohm, President of the BSI and Minister Oliver Schenk, the head of the Saxony State Chancellery.

The certificate allows GF Dresden to produce chips for financial transactions, smart cards, digital IDs as well as other products and applications for the public sector or industries that require an extra level of security and integrity in the production process. GF Dresden has invested a single-digit million Euro amount over the last two years to upgrade its security and IT systems to the highest levels. The Dutch semiconductor company NXP has been a key driver of the certification process at GF’s site in Germany. The Dresden Fab joins GF’s Singapore and United States facilities in accreditation to the highest industry, client and government criteria for secure manufacturing as part of the company's trusted GF Shield program.

“The BSI has attested that all our systems and processes conform to the highest standards of the international Common Criteria ISO norm,” said Thomas Morgenstern, the head of GF Dresden. “This is a milestone for the Dresden site as it allows us to address new and demanding markets. As chips are becoming ever more ubiquitous in our daily life and in our economies, the need for secure and trustworthy chip solutions will grow over the coming years. We are very excited about our new opportunity to further contribute to hardware security made by GF in Dresden. We are committed to being the most trusted and secure Foundry partner for our customers.”

“To scale successfully, security is critical at every stage of the cellular IoT manufacturing chain from chip design to deployment,” said Vincent Korstanje, Vice President and General Manager, Connectivity at Arm. “This certification extends the ability to cost effectively manufacture secure, connected products to Globalfoundries’ 22FDX technology. It provides partners who have the need to rapidly develop new applications with the highest level of information security when using this process technology.”

"The successful certification of Globalfoundries by the BSI is further proof of the diverse range of services offered by the microelectronics location Dresden”, said State Minister and Head of the Saxony State Chancellery Oliver Schenk. “Not only do the customers of Globalfoundries benefit from the new security certification, but also our digital ecosystem "Silicon Saxony" is strengthened as well. Especially now we feel quite intensely, which high value we have to place on European technology sovereignty in order to be to a certain extent more independent from far away suppliers. And I am pleased for the Saxon companies that the BSI, with its newly founded branch office in Freital near Dresden, is now also directly available as a partner in the Free State of Saxony".

The certificate and related documents can be found here at the BSI website.