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11/13/21 7:00 AM

#45699 RE: Myst #45698

Do you simply hate the loss of government control over your individual freedom?

No, rather just suspect that the winner of such conflict is more inclined to be the state/government as they're the ones who set the laws. Most invest surplus money today with a view to seeing the purchase power maintained, a favoured dead artists painting has the potential to have another with surplus capital buy that when the seller is looking to spend the value, and/or ditto for part ownership of ongoing businesses ...etc. Tangible assets. Hard currency and/or virtual Btc currency are inclined to be much less favoured as potential preservers of purchase power - potential vapourware.

If I set up several rungs for future spending, perhaps dropping in a stock index fund with the intent to sell/spend those shares in 20 years time, some gold with the intent to sell/spend that in 21 years time, a valued painting to be sold/spent in 22 years time, a zero coupon treasury bond that matures in 23 years time, a house to sell and cover later life care home costs in 24+ years time, and then add to that some Btc for intended spending in perhaps 19 years time, of all of those I'd most suspect that the Btc spending year is at the greatest risk of providing $0. A 19 year old child walking into a bank to present a digital private key to withdraw the value that their grandfather deposited into a virtual currency 19 years earlier for them may very well have them wishing grandad had opted to leave some shares, bonds, property, art, or gold instead.