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10/20/21 1:45 PM

#3474 RE: 66Mustang #3472

So only EMT's apply narcan now? I was told on this board that many others, who do not fall under EMT category, would have access to this game changing injection. I thought the potential market for Zimhi was bigger. Thank you for providing me with this valuable information.


10/20/21 2:01 PM

#3477 RE: 66Mustang #3472

I dont feel it is dangerous at all really to use a needle, given that has been the standard for so long.
Think of an EpiPen. Yes it is an auto inject, without an exposed needle, but used incorrectly could still cause a stick by accident.
ZIMHi could eventually come in an auto injector even.

Also, understand the rate of absorption for IM/IV injection is typically more stable than nasal mucosa; which can be nearly as variable as oral mucosal absorption, meaning it truly varies widely between people.

The extra 2-3 minutes is certainly an issue, but with personnel we can still adequately oxygenate a patient and keep things going well enough during the interval.