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01/31/07 1:23 AM

#12947 RE: kuaizhi #12945

I assure you, I am not talking in riddles. "Other fish in the sea" is straight up American English which in this context means something like "Oh well my friend, you didn't buy this stock, but there's plenty of others out there. No big deal." Fine, you're not a native English speaker. No one here cares. Either that or you're just looking for an argument. Why would someone argue about a stock he has never owned?

My other point is this: the only reason why this string of messages started is because you got some advice from flats to buy ecfl. I attempted to explain why he would give you such advice, namely because there is still potential for a decent gain. As others have testified on this board, who have been following this longer than you, flats has helped plenty of people out. What does he have to gain by your loss? Instead, you decided for some foolish reason to attack him personally. This makes me believe you are indeed looking for an argument, for no reason, and I for one have no respect for your approach, and therefore for you.

As for your 10 minutes of DD, most of us I think it fair to say knew this quite a while ago. Stale info for us longs, but if you found it useful, great. Move on.

I have no intention to continue this nonsense, but allow me to edify you. BELABOR means:
1.) To attack with blows; hit, beat, or whip
2.) To assail verbally
and, more to the point,
3.) To discuss repeatedly or at length; to harp on (#12918)

Do not expect any further responses from me.
