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10/20/21 10:36 AM

#671161 RE: Nightdaytrader #671160


We will see who is right or wrong here, TIME WILL TELL and TIME TELLS ALL

Logic and common sense says, in the period of 13 yrs a company NSM doesn't grow from 16 bill to 650 bill AND RIGHT AT THE SAME time WMI had 635 bill in force at seizure according to the SEN sub comm (TOM COBURN)


KOWINKIDINK OR NOT, all here need to decide on their own.

Like it or not one has to remember that THE FDICK needed as with all seized institution, NEEDED A SERVICER for THOSE LOANS, and what better way to make this RIGHT, than to make US all owner in the REAL REORG'D company.

But they have to pay us for what was taken at the time in real dollars.

THIS WAS A 5TH TAKING CASE so they have to pay..........

And to make sure we DIDN'T GET HOSED AGAIN, SUSSMAN made sure the most valuable thing here, COULD NOT BE TRADED, ESCROWS

Can anyone here show us WHERE NSM ever 8K's or PR'd WHAT THEY PAID for any of the loans to service????????????

Remember the 65 bill that showed up HERE right after the DB case was settled, was there any statement of WHAT NSM PAID for servicing rights on that 65 bill? no matter where it came form, NOPEY NONE CAN SHOW US

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10/20/21 10:47 AM

#671162 RE: Nightdaytrader #671160

Neither do these WMI MBS exist nor does COOP have to buy them. COOP is reorganized WMI, either they would own them already, or they would not HAVE TO BUY them. And if they HAD TO BUY them, it wouldn't be a "dilutive event" because they "suddenly own" all these MBS they paid for. If COOP has to buy 1 ton of gold and let's say they have enough cash, then they own this gold and it is not dilutive. You know what dilution is? Makes no sense at all...

Greetings from fantasy land...

JWW, there will be a dilutive event when Mr Cooper buys the WMI Mortgage Backed Securities and other assets.. They have to do that.. So I know you pump COOP each day, but in reality, like Large Green said yesterday, the price will probably be cut in half when announcement is made...