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10/19/21 9:19 PM

#130936 RE: veloyt #130934

Maybe ENZC doesn't have the bright bright future most everyone thinks or a lot less now than months ago....the number of people working in all these tests etc..... if things are going great....they talk they tell friends so are those people buying.


10/19/21 9:47 PM

#130937 RE: veloyt #130934

Re:-suit-1st-the-defendant-has--disappeared-and-Court-Informed-and-if-not-found..suit..then.resolves because it can not go foward without him being served.

The point being made he does not have to worry about defending himself if Judge has to have the suit against him dismissed.

The contract with SAMSUNG is a done deal .. that is significant because it was carried in Bloomberg News and the Wall St. Jounal and was a significant milestone.

Plus he had to pay his attorney and appeared not to be able to win.. His best move would be not able to be served and get this case dismissed.

The suit is enzc lawsuit is from the co. Against Mr. Savov.
Point made..
Assuming the co. can not talk ..
then SAMSUNG contract by the same logic would be signed wjth a non disclosure ..nda rider to prevent talking.about enzc milestones..

That's something to add to this story ..
Before every assumption is arrived at without asking the CC the CEO..

With suit initiated by CC .. it seems
a good possibility to assume if he wants to talk about what's happening then the Samsung PR may not have happened as it had..

Following this
Then the Hicks interview With Dr Chandra which was pre-scheduled just 2 weeks ago talking about the important enzc milestone of mfg the ITV-1 AND ..
becoming ready for clinical trial in Oct.

recent tweets from both him and investor relations @tenassociates about enzc having a good plan and Tom Nelson including Bank Here to his tweet..days ago