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10/18/21 12:38 PM

#43291 RE: centsability4me #43290

Yep! We're vested in 1 of the best "still hidden gem" stem cell companies on the planet, for those with the vision to see it!

And the realer the deal, the realer the red tape involved!

I still remember all the complaining about wth was taking so long to get the FDA JadiCell Phase III approval news for 1 recent tiny example right buddy!

Yet despite all the complaining, we all know that the FDA did indeed factually grant TSOI JadiCell Phase III approval, while simultaneously factually proving that JadiCell is going to be an extremely disruptive GLOBAL humanity curing solution! The Phase II FDA factual proven results speak volumes about what kind of potential big pharma collaborative partners the TSOI execs are talking to behind the scenes these days.

I'm also not remotely surprised that TSOI hasn't filed any EUA's anywhere on the planet yet! Because imho only when they do begin filing their already stated EUA's coming, it's going to be factually tied to their collaborative big pharma partner(s) of choice;)

Time always reveal all as they say>>>$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


10/18/21 12:40 PM

#43292 RE: centsability4me #43290

Yes, A very Big Deal!!!


10/18/21 2:16 PM

#43314 RE: centsability4me #43290

Outstanding ...
Manufacturing "in house" certainly can be cost saving long term...
More jingle in the pocketbook for company,possibly shareholders too.
Good News