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01/30/07 10:52 AM

#63103 RE: good2be #63092

And as with most organizational structures it starts at the top.

Look at how our leaders are elected. And the favors they give to their financial backers in return.

McCain, an honorable man, removed his name from his own campaign finance reform bill. Mostlikey he will be forgoing the Federal election campaign funding system like Hilary and Obama. Well at least they did not author the bill.


01/30/07 10:52 AM

#63104 RE: good2be #63092

good2be, you might be on to something. I have had an increasingly negative feeling about the stock market in particular and our society in general in recent years. My level of trust is at an all time low. At some point we the people reflect the values of the corporate and political (both Republican and Democratic) movers and shakers of this country and we are seeing the effects of their greed and corruption trickle down to the masses as they say "if they can do it why not me"? I'm not sure where gtem fits into the mix, other than to be a pawn in this game of greed, but we, as a country, need to change.