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09/29/21 5:15 PM

#376603 RE: KMBJN #376601

One would think at this point a pause in the push for vaccines is warranted given that it doesn’t seem to be doing what they expected and, worse, they don’t know what’s going on. It makes no sense in a logical world that those “protected” from Covid 19 by vaccination are only protected if everyone else is vaccinated. That’s never been a claim of vaccines prior to now. And yet the vaccinated are as likely to get and spread Covid as unvaccinated.

I think you hit the nail when you said the virus is going to do what it does no matter what we do to stop or slow it down. From the wave patterns it appears it’s got a mind of it’s own and no mitigation attempts have worked. Herd immunity is going to be what stops it. Why can’t the medical people accept that natural immunity is sufficient? It boggles the mind.

Therapeutics is where we’ll end up but only after the vaccine makers make their lucre.
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09/30/21 12:24 AM

#376632 RE: KMBJN #376601

I agree.

"It could easily be interpreted to say that this thing (pandemic / virus) will go through society at its own pace, infecting both the vaccinated and unvaccinated the same way
initially (though lower chance of being infected if vaccinated). I do believe vaccination will save people from severe disease, but that's about all one can say for SARS2-delta infection, at least based on this study. Would like to see more data on SARS2-delta hospitalizations and severe disease based on vaccination status.

Some experts, including UK's Oxford Vaccine Group, have stated the only end to the pandemic and achieve herd immunity will be when the unvaccinated and vaccinated have been infected and achieve "natural immunity"

Others question the wisdom of vaccinating children.

I agree there is little US data on delta complications and vaccine complications. The best data has come from the UK and Israel.

Unfortunately the vaccines do not work as well as we had hoped against the delta variant. As long as the vaccinated can catch covid 19 and spread it there is little hope for herd immunity. It is clear vaccination is a benefit to the elderly and high risk individuals. It is less clear what benefit will come from vaccinating healthy children and young adults.

With those observations developing therapeutics should be a high priority.

Hopefully Brilacidin will prove useful against covid19.

